
This is a selected list of publications on poverty, social policy, gender violence, and prostitution. Many are open access, for the rest OA versions are available on request.

Lanau, A., Cama, M. and Gordon, D. (2023) ‘I don’t care who you are: Inter-rater reliability in assessing child deprivation outcomes’, Child Indicators Research [Online] DOI:10.1007/s12187-023-10025-1

Lanau, A. (2022) First the children, then the employed: Deprivation and intra-household inequality in Europe, Journal of Poverty, 27:4, 331-349, DOI: 10.1080/10875549.2022.2065561 [link]  (pre-print)

Lanau, A. and Lozano Riera, M. (2022) “Job precariousness and poverty dynamics among households with children”, Perspectives Demogràfiques, 27: 1-4 (ISSN: 2696-4228). DOI: 10.46710/ced.pd.eng.27 (OA)

Lanau, A., & Matolcsi, A. (2022). Prostitution and Sex Work, Who Counts? Mapping Local Data to Inform Policy and Service Provision. Social Policy and Society, [Online first] 1-15. DOI:10.1017/S1474746422000136 (pre-print)

Lanau, A. (2022) Family Diversity and Child Poverty: Intra-Household Inequality in Reconstituted Couple Households. PopDigest. Population Europe. (OA)

Lanau, A. (2022) Inequality in reconstituted households: effects on childhood. UAB Divulga 01/03/2022 (OA) (ENG/CAT/ESP)

Lanau, A. (2022) Book review “Austerity Across Europe: Lived Experiences of Economic Crises”, Social Policy and Administration, 56(6), 972-3 [link]

Lanau, A. (2021) Children First? Intra-Household Inequality in Reconstituted Couple Households, Journal of Family Issues 44(4) 891–908. [link]

Moreno Fuentes, F.J. Rodríguez Cabrero, G. Blanco, M. Cruz Martínez, G. Díez, J., Franco, M., Julià, A.  Lanau, A., Marí-Klose, M, Martínez, A. Perna, R., del Pino E., Seiz, M. Salazar, L. Uceda, P. Valiente, R and  Walliser, A. (2021) Bases para el Plan de Acción de la Garantía Infantil Europea en España. UNICEF. (Open Access)

Moreno Fuentes, F.J. et al. (2021) Initiatives to reduce poverty and social exclusion among children and recommendations for the implementation of the European Child Guarantee in Spain. UNICEF [link]

Moreno Fuentes, F.J. et al. (2021) Diagnosis of the situation for children in Spain before the implementation of the European Child Guarantee. UNICEF. [link]

Lanau, A. (2021) ‘Child poverty and intra-household inequality during economic recession’, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 175, pp. 63-84 (English & Español) (Open Access)

Barter, C. Lanau, A. Stanley, N, Aghtaie, N. and Överlien, C. (2021) ‘Factors associated with the perpetration of interpersonal violence and abuse in young people’s intimate relationships’, Journal of Youth Studies, 24(3) [Online] (Open Access)

Matolcsi, A., Mulvihill, N., Lilley-Walker, S., Lanau, A. and Hester, M. (2021) ‘The Current Landscape of Prostitution and Sex Work in England and Wales’, Sexuality & Culture, 25(1) p.39-57 [Online] DOI: 10.1007/s12119-020-09756-y (Open Access)

Grieve, T., Lanau, A., et al., (2020) Unheard stories of girls in Africa: My voice counts. Background study to The African Report on Child Wellbeing 2020. Addis Ababa: African Child Policy Forum. (Open Access)

Lanau, A. and Fifita, V. (2020) ‘Do households prioritise children? Intra-household deprivation a case study of the South Pacific’ Child Indicators Research 13(6), pages 1953-1973 (OA preprint)

Lanau, A., Mack, J. and Nandy, S. (2020) ‘Including services in multidimensional poverty measurement for SDGs: modifications to the consensual approach’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 28(2), pp. 149-168 [Online] DOI:10.1332/175982720X15850580703755 & Pre-print (pre-edit pre-peer review)

Lanau, A., (2019) ¿Cómo ha evolucionado la privación material infantil en España durante la crisis en comparación con otros países de la unión Europea? Documentos Breves 007. Alto Comisionado para la lucha contra la pobreza infantil. (OA) link

Hester, M., Mulvihill, N, Matolcsi, A., Lanau, A. and Lilley-Walker, S. (2019) The nature and prevalence of prostitution and sex work in England and Wales today. Home Office & University of Bristol

Fifita, V., Lanau, A. Najera Catalan, H.E., Gordon, D. (2018) Assessing progress towards the eradication of poverty in the Kingdom of Tonga. Tongatapu: Tonga Department of Statistics.

Hick, R. and Lanau, A. (2018) Tax credits and in-work poverty in the UK: An analysis of income packages and anti-poverty performance, Social Policy and Society.  18(1), 219-236. DOI: 10.1017/S1474746418000118

Hick, R. and Lanau, A. (2018) ‘Moving in and out of in-work poverty’, Journal of Social Policy. 47(4), 661-682. DOI: 10.1017/s0047279418000028

Hick, R. and Lanau, A. (2017) In-work poverty in the UK: Problem, policy analysis and platform for action. Cardiff, Cardiff University and Nuffield Foundation. Available at:

Lanau, A. (2017) ‘¿Puede el Estado de Bienestar sobrevivir?’ (Can the welfare state survive?) Agenda Pública. 1 May 2017. Available at: (Blog post)

Barter, C., Stanley, N., Wood, M., Lanau, A., Aghtaie, N., Larkins, C. and Overlien, C. (2017) ‘Young people’s online and face-to-face experiences of Interpersonal violence and abuse and its subjective impact across five European countries’, Psychology of Violence, 7(3), 375-384. 

Stanley, N., Barter, C., Wood, M., Aghtaie, N., Larkins, C., Lanau, A. and Overlien, C. (2016) ‘Pornography, sexual coercion and abuse and sexting in young people’s intimate relationships: A European study’, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(9) March 2016, 2919-2944. DOI: 10.1177/0886260516633204

Lanau, A. (2015) ‘Youth Poverty: A necessary debate in Europe’. Making change happen, Poverty Alliance. May 5 2015. Available at: (Blog Post)

Marí-Klose, M., Marí-Klose, P., Gomez-Granell, C., and Lanau, A. (2009) Acompanyament a l’escolaritat (Out of school support programmes). Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona

Marí-Klose, P., Marí-Klose M., Arcarons, A. and Lanau, A. (2009) “Joves, família i règims de benestar” (Young people, families and welfare regimes) in Alegre M.A. (Coord) El règim de benestar juvenil a Catalunya. Fonts de benestar i oportunitats transicionals dels joves catalans. Barcelona, IGOP